The bed :)

That was the bed we had agreed Kurt G Pace would bring me from Sicily, paid up-front of course.... Simple and efficient...
That was the bed we had agreed Kurt G Pace would bring me from Sicily, paid up-front of course…. Simple and efficient…


Even with simple little bedside tables... All of that  for 600 plus transport to Malta from Sicily = 850 euros
Even with simple little bedside tables… All of that for 600 plus transport to Malta from Sicily = 850 euros


And tataaaaaaaaaaaa! That is the bed that actually arrived the day I moved in.... Quite fugly I agree :)  If you pay attention, you will see diamond cushioning the headboard.... Isn't that bling-bling and tasteful?
And tataaaaaaaaaaaa! That is the bed that actually arrived the day I moved in…. Quite fugly I agree 🙂 If you pay attention, you will see diamond cushioning the headboard…. Isn’t that bling-bling and tasteful?


Can you see the bling-bling?
Can you see the bling-bling?

I won’t lie to you, this is the one problem I finally managed to fix, and I finally got rid off! Bye bye diamonds! You were never my best friends



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